Valentine's Day - the Why and How
Valentine's Day, as we know it today, is celebrated on 14th February every year with lovers expressing their affection with gifts and greetings.
While the true origin of Valentine's Day is vague, it is said to be related to Lupercalia, a Roman festival celebrated mid-February, at the onset of spring, with fertility rites that paired off men and women.
Another myth is related to Emperor Claudius II of Rome passing a decree against young men getting married in the belief that unmarried men made better soldiers. A St Valentine who secretly married young couples in defiance of this decree was beheaded on February 14. St Valentine's Day is believed to be in his honour.
Another legend states St Valentine was an early Christian who was imprisoned for refusing to pray to Roman Gods. He befriended children, even restoring the eyesight of the jailor's daughter. These children tossed loving messages to the Saint through the bars of his cells (remind anyone of love letters?).
Thus, the tradition of Valentine's Day can be traced back through centuries. But sadly celebrations today reflect just glitz and glamour of marketing gimmicks, not these honourable events. Now Valentine's week just targets youth coercing them to spend on gifts like roses, chocolates, teddy bears and so on.
On reflection, gifts do not make a relationship work. Though they go a long way in strengthening a relationship, gifts need to be thoughtful, not forced on a particular calendar day or restricted to a particular item matching latest trends. This February, be thoughtful; send money to Nigeria from UK to help loved ones buy something they need.
There are better, more important, ways to maintain a healthy relationship among partners; e.g., by being a good listener. Everyone desires to have someone they can discuss their day with. A long day's stress melts away when a beloved lends a patient ear! Send money to Nigeria for your loved one's telephone bills, so you can continue lending a patient ear all the way from the UK.
Finding ways of being together further strengthens an already strong bond. Spending time with loved ones is inexpensive, yet the best gift one can give. Just hanging out together, watching a movie or walking in the park, can make your bond stronger.
Misunderstandings can kill the strongest of relationships. They are best avoided through open communication. Be yourself with your loved one, and let your partner be the same.
Keeping secrets is another sure shot way of killing a relationship. Secrets have a tendency to come out at the most inopportune moments. Moreover, keeping a secret can be highly stressful. So be open with your partner, share your deepest, darkest thoughts and live a stress-free life.
It is very important to be your partner's best friend. Nothing beats going away on a whim, sharing your memories with your best friend. If you do the same with your partner, you will feel blessed. And last but not the least, always and always respect your partner. Disrespect can break a heart in seconds.
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